You have the right to withdraw the contract without any reasons after 14 days. These 14 days are relevant after receiving our package.
If you want to withdraw you explain that to me (David Kremer-Schillings, Steinbrink 32, 41569 Rommerskirchen, Mobil: 015734220716, E-Mail Adresse: david@flake-soil.com) using a letter or email. Afterwards I will inform you, that I received it and send you a confirmation.
Consequences of revocation
If you withdraw the contract we will send you back the payment after we received the package. We will do that in the same way, we received the payment. After the revocation you have 14 days time to resend the package. You have to pay the shipping costs for sending it back.
Withdrawal form
David Kremer-Schillings
Steinbrink 32
415469 Rommerskirchen
E-Mail: david@flake-soil.com
I withdraw from the contract about the purchase of the following items:
Ordered on ____________ / received on __________________
Your Name
Your Address