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Dicronorhina derbyana derbyana larva
Tax included
Shipping Excluded
Content: 1 larva L2-L3 (larval stage) - German offspring
Shipping in Europe possible if the temperatures inside allow it. Temperatures must be at least 10°C. At lower temperatures, a thermo box must be ordered together.
Protaetia formosana Larva
Tax included
Shipping Excluded
Protaetia formosana formosana L3 (larval stage) - German offspring
ATTENTION: Shipping within Europe is possible if temperatures permit. Temperatures must be at least 10°C at night and 18°C during the day. Otherwise, a thermal box must also be ordered in which the animals are shipped.
Protaetia speciosa cyanochlora Larva
Tax included
Shipping Excluded
Protaetia speciosa cyanochlora L2 (larval stage) - German offspring
Shipping in Europe possible if the temperatures inside allow it. Lowest Temperatures must be at least 10°C. At lower temperatures, a thermo box must be ordered together.
Thermo Box
Tax included
Shipping Excluded
Mandatory article for purchases of larvae and beetles for day temperatures below 10°C (in Germany and destination country)
Isolated styrofoam box incl. Heatpack, size differentiates. No matter the amount or quantity of beetles and larvae ordered you only need to purchase one thermo box.
Neolucanus maximus maximus Larva
Tax included
Shipping Excluded
Content 1 x L2-L3 Larva
Neolucanus maximus maximus Larva
Shipping in Europe possible when temperatures allow. Temperature must be at least + 10°C in both countries! From now on you need to order a thermo box together with larvae or beetles.
Osmoderma opicum larva
Tax included
Shipping Excluded
Osmoderma opicum L3 (larval stage) - German offspring
ATTENTION: Shipping within Europe is possible if temperatures permit. Temperatures must be at least 10°C at night and 18°C during the day. Otherwise, a thermal box must also be ordered in which the animals are shipped.
Cheirolasia burkei larva
Tax included
Shipping Excluded
Content: 1 larva L2-L3 (larval stage) - German offspring
Species: Cheiroalsia burkei (Hope 1839)
ATTENTION: Shipping within Europe is possible if temperatures permit. Temperatures must be at least 10°C at night and 18°C during the day. Otherwise, a thermal box must also be ordered in which the animals are shipped.
Chlorocala africana camerunica Pair
Tax included
Shipping Excluded
Content 1 adult pair (from breeding)
ATTENTION: Shipping within Europe is possible if temperatures permit. Temperatures must be at least 10°C at night and 18°C during the day. Otherwise, a thermal box must also be ordered in which the animals are shipped.
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