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Humus Egglaying Substrate 10l
This Substrate is mainly suitable as egg laying substrate as it is chipped very fine and has a higher soil portion
Beech and oak leaf litter (& smaller pieces of brances), chopped, milled
Analytical composition:
59,4 % humidity, 14,7 % crude fiber
- Out-of-Stock
Mecynorrhina torquata ugandensis larva
Content: 1 larva L1-L2 (1st-2nd larval stage) - German offspring
Species: Mecynorrhina torquata ugandensis (Moser 1907) - color may vary due to the breeds in circulation.
ATTENTION: Shipping within Europe is possible if temperatures permit. Temperatures must be at least 10°C at night and 18°C during the day. Otherwise, a thermal box must also be ordered in which the animals are shipped.
Dicronorhina derbyana derbyana larva
Content: 1 larva L2-L3 (larval stage) - German offspring
Shipping in Europe possible if the temperatures inside allow it. Temperatures must be at least 10°C. At lower temperatures, a thermo box must be ordered together.
BRAplast tray 1,3l with lid, clear
BraPlast can, 1.3 liters, clear with hinged lid, approx. 12.5 cm x 19 cm x 7.5 cm
Leaf Litter Substrate 25l
Chopped and milled leaf litter is a bacis substrate for many invertebrate insects like beetles, millipedes, isopods, slugs and others.
Beech and oak leaf litter (& smaller pieces of brances), chopped, milled
Analytical composition:
56,1 % humidity, 23,9 % crude fiber
Transport Tray 10x2 Liter
10 x 2l Transport Trays with lid, clear plastic
Protaetia formosana Larva
Protaetia formosana formosana L3 (larval stage) - German offspring
ATTENTION: Shipping within Europe is possible if temperatures permit. Temperatures must be at least 10°C at night and 18°C during the day. Otherwise, a thermal box must also be ordered in which the animals are shipped.
Transport Tray 10x1 Liter
10 x 1l Transport Trays with lid, clear plastic
Larvalpoo Enhancer
NPK fertilizer 14-9-15 with magnesium and micronutrients, coated
Heatpack 40h
40 hour warmer - for shipping live animals or plants.
The heatpack heats up by itself after opening. Do not place directly against the shipping boxes, as the heatpacks can get up to 65°C hot. A small ventilation hole in the thermobox/box is useful, as oxygen is also consumed.
Thermo Box
Mandatory article for purchases of larvae and beetles for day temperatures below 10°C (in Germany and destination country)
Isolated styrofoam box incl. Heatpack, size differentiates. No matter the amount or quantity of beetles and larvae ordered you only need to purchase one thermo box.
Breeding Beetles - The substantial Guide by Benjamin Harink
This new book provides tips and assistance for the successful breeding of rose beetles, giant beetles, rhinoceros beetles and stag beetles.
Brick for artificial cocoon - artificial pupa cradle
Brick to build your own artificial cocoons in case of emergency when a larval/ pupa cocoon has collapsed.
23x11x7,5 cm (length/width/height)
Each brick is wrapped in foil
White rotten wood, chopped, 10l
White rotten wood
Content: 10l
White rotten beech and oak wood, chopped, dried and highly free of lignin
Analytical content:
20% humidity, 21% crude fiber
White rotten wood, chopped, 100l
White rotten wood
Content: 100l
White rotten beech and oak wood, chopped, dried and highly free of lignin
Analytical content:
20% humidity, 21% crude fiber
White rotten wood, chopped, 50l
White rotten wood
Content: 50l
White rotten beech and oak wood, chopped, dried and highly free of lignin
Analytical content:
20% humidity, 21% crude fiber
White rotten wood, chopped, 25l
White rotten wood
Content: 25l
White rotten beech and oak wood, chopped, dried and highly free of lignin
Analytical content:
20% humidity, 21% crude fiber
Heatpack 72h
72 hour warmer - for shipping live animals or plants.
The heatpack heats up by itself after opening. Do not place directly against the shipping boxes, as the heatpacks can get up to 65°C hot. A small ventilation hole in the thermobox/box is useful, as oxygen is also consumed.
Neolucanus maximus maximus Larva
Content 1 x L2-L3 Larva
Neolucanus maximus maximus Larva
Shipping in Europe possible when temperatures allow. Temperature must be at least + 10°C in both countries! From now on you need to order a thermo box together with larvae or beetles.
Mabiola Hiratake Kinshi (Oyster Mushroom) 1l
Hiratake-Kinshi (Oyster mushroom) 600g in 1L filterbox with fine filter
Special substrate (Beech, oak) with white mushroom culture (oyster): Hiratake
Analytical content:
Humidity 56%, Crude ash 0,5%, Crude protein 1,2%, Crude fiber 25%, Crude fat 0,4%
- Out-of-Stock
Leaf Litter Substrate 100l
Chopped and milled leaf litter is a bacis substrate for many invertebrate insects like beetles, millipedes, isopods, slugs and others.
Beech and oak leaf litter (& smaller pieces of brances), chopped, milled
Analytical composition:
56,1 % humidity, 23,9 % crude fiber
Bark-Overlays 5 pieces
5 pieces of bark, oak or beech, dried
size ca 8-15 x 20-30 cm
Picture similar
Leaf Litter Substrate 50l
Chopped and milled leaf litter is a bacis substrate for many invertebrate insects like beetles, millipedes, isopods, slugs and others.
Beech and oak leaf litter (& smaller pieces of brances), chopped, milled
Analytical composition:
56,1 % humidity, 23,9 % crude fiber
Leaf Litter Substrate 10l
Chopped and milled leaf litter is a bacis substrat for many invertebrate insects like beetles, millipedes, isopods, slugs and others.
Beech and oak leaf litter (& smaller pieces of brances), chopped, milled
Analytical composition:
56,1 % humidity, 23,9 % crude fiber
- Out-of-Stock
White-rotten Breeding Log S hard decayed
Hardwood from oak or beech, hard decayed. May also be a piece of a bigger log. See photos!
Illustration likewise, similar
Size: Caliber at least 4 cm. Lenght at least 12 cm (average 6x13 cm). Volume of cut pieces always bigger.
Reptilia 59 - Rosenkäfer
Reptilia 59 - Rosenkäfer
Weitere Themen:
Südamerikanische Landschildkröten
Bau eines Wüstenterrariums
Reptil des Jahres: Waldeidechse
Beetle Jelly Mix 25 Pieces
25 pieces mix of banana, honey and lactic acid
Each Jelly contains 16 g
Beetle Jelly Mix 50 Pieces
50 pieces mix of banana, honey and lactic acid
Each Jelly contains 16 g
White-rotten Breeding Log S medium decayed
Hardwood from oak or beech, medium decayed.
May also be a piece of a bigger log. See photos!
Illustration likewise, similar
Size: Caliber at least 5 cm. Lenght at least 12 cm (average 7x12 cm). Volume of cut pieces always bigger.